Gynecology at Tia

Sexual and reproductive health that's more comfortable and less judgmental. From routine Paps and surgeries to difficult-to-diagnose hormonal disorders, we deliver the highest quality gynecological care.


Compassionate sexual and reproductive healthcare

Since the Pap test was introduced in the 1950s, cervical cancer deaths have decreased 74%.

requires more than a you’re-in-and-you’re-out Pap. Tia delivers affirming, option-based reproductive healthcare services both virtually and in person that connect with your whole health — physically, mentally and emotionally. Whether you're choosing a birth control method or if to have a complex procedure or surgery, Tia's Care Team is your trusted guide to help you make independent and informed reproductive healthcare decisions — with confidence.

Our gynecologists recognize how sex-specific differences extend beyond your reproductive organs. From puberty to menopause, we consider many aspects of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of your health through the hormonal state in which you are currently existing — natural cycle, synthetic hormones for contraception, pregnancy, or a period of hormonal deprivation such as postpartum or menopause. We know that these hormonal states influence metabolism, brain signaling, immune function, and DNA repair, as well as mood and mental health.

At Tia, you won't get the typical one-size-fits-all approach. With a focus on lifestyle and evidence-based wellness, we take a “root cause” approach to everything from acne to irregular cycles,

Want to get a Care Plan asap?

Book your Tia Whole Health Exam

equipping you with a Care Plan to get and keep you feeling your best.

Care at Tia is relationship-based and integrated which means everyone is in sync. You get a collaborative Care Team that works together to manage your health so there's no repeating yourself 100x or receiving conflicting advice. Working as a unit, our providers are trained to connect dots and address your health comprehensively, accounting for everything that makes you *you* — nuances, complexity, and interconnectedness.

And you can use insurance for gynecology appointments at Tia — both virtually and in person. Learn more about using insurance here.


Meet our Gynecology Team

Tia's gynecology providers work in collaboration with primary care providers, acupuncturists, therapists and more to deliver connected whole person healthcare.


Gynecology at Tia is different

Typical Gynecology Office
Your annual checkup is 20 minutes
Your Tia Whole Health Exam includes multiple touchpoints, giving you time to truly talk with your provider and check-in regularly
Disconnected from Primary Care
Connected to Primary Care (acupuncture and therapy too!)
In-person only
In-person and virtual (great for those surprise UTIs!)

Become a Tia member to get whole person healthcare — gynecology, primary care, mental health & more